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Selasa, 19 Juni 2012

Stabilizer Minamoto

Stabilizer Minamoto system servo motor kapasitas mulai 500va – 60 kva.

= electronic control
= servo motor type
= quick response
= compact size
= high stability
= high efficiency



-computer-medical equipments-laboratory instrumens
-communication system-lighting equipments
-cash register-numeric control machine tolls
-tv set-hi-fi equipments-alarm and security system
-broadcasting equipments-photographic processing equipments
-others sensitive equipments
input 160 – 250vac
out put 220 vac
frequensi 50Hz
automatic voltage, servo motor
transver time 0, 1-1 detik
ready input/ out put 110 vac
garansi selama 1 tahun full spare part

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1 komentar:

Kira Roza mengatakan...

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